Experts Speak – free online consultations with experts.
At the beginning of 2020, at BG-Mamma we created a unique space for free online consultations for all registered users.
Experts Speak brings together consultants with expertise and experience in a variety of fields, from medicine, psychology and nutrition to career counseling, law and interior improvements.
All volunteers in Experts have their own threads where users can anonymously ask a question and get a personal consultation and recommendation. In these threads, a huge useful resource has been generated to date with a very high degree of user trust, and by the end of 2022, one of the discussions had been viewed 277,000 times.
The Experts in numbers – average monthly data:
18,000+ unique users
65,000+ impressions
01.59 min average time spent on page
under 28% bounce rate with a site average bounce rate of 44%
On a scale of 0 to 8 points, our users rate 7.67 the content presented by the experts on the platform. If you want to include your brand in the expert content platform, contact us at [email protected]